ok I have a computer which has all the latest and then some of graphics that make second life look awesome fantastic, but then I suddenly got this massive problem, at first it was a time problem from fooling around with youtube massive amounts.. and sorting through my silly written words.
Now I am cursed, my curser within second life has become invisible, its like I can not do a single thing when I want to because something gets messed up. I left it, but the massive amounts of things are still building up, and people I know sent me stuff, group invites which I wanted to be a part of ect.
Pulling hairs out now, I quickly realize, going bald won't help me, however it will give me a different look. This may take some time, and I haven't got the time to be charged for a premium account if I can not transfer the little petty cash I made directly back into second life.. I wonder if I should or not since I've had problems.
My first conflict was the fact that people are suing SL and SL is pretending that it has no obligation to some people who's matterial gets ripped. Then there is the time, but without a curser, my time wouldn't even be spent chatting, because I can't even answer the chat!!
I was slightly impressed with an offical response to the third party viewer question, but then I got a survay in the e post and wondered what the hell were they thinking of.. concering the whole xsl market suck... yeah, I don't know what to do. It would help if I could get things working for one. But this whole BS has just made me less likely to take precious time to fix it, and I would rather fix my xtranormal.com stuff instead.
Feeling Okay
3 hours ago