As both a "slacker" and a "ecco" mum.. I look in the mirror and ask myself "what do you want to be?".."I want to be who I am.. so what about the so called "conflicts".. those are other people's problems because they are too attached to belief systems.." "True" I say back-- it is obvious that the cage of belief is strong and people tend to want a nice box to define you with. To those who I agree with.. I often can not fully agree with EVERYTHING they say.. but then again why should I? I rarely agree completely with myself.. right? I suspect no one can, not if they are honst with everthing they see and are flexible.
For the crime of flexibility and Non-commitment to the Protestant work ethic--- you are labled a Slacker..
For the crime being vegan/vegetarian and of wanting to know and be aware of where what little money I have goes to (and making sure its a good cause) you are labled an "Ecco Loonie" as well as "High Mantanance".
.. and for being interested in politics that makes sense.. ..and ideas that goverments should be held accountable for their actions you are either a raving loony or a member of the new "sensible" poltical party (started by Captian Sensible he is one great looking vegan!!!.) Hippy bastard..
And for not believing obviously stupid statements put out their by the consolidated media.. you are labled the worst of all.. a conspiricy nut.
I think the best of all the lables I see .. the one that defines me now is Zombie and I don't want it.. I hate sleepwalking though life.
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