the core of good intent, sometimes isn't shown, where as the core of unintentional, doing small good, using instinctive process, often benifits more than yourself...
I have been given a wonderful oportunity by {Fricks} one of my most all time favourite virtual shops.. my earliest images when I went to this wonderful shop have been of awe, due to the fact I found not only the skin and products sold there wonderful, but at the same time.. the shop itself was and has been so well designed.. to think an onrez vendor of mine in such a wonderful shop!!
I have to get to work!! Not only that, but I got some freaking wonderful previews of the latest thing to come out of that shop too, just last night.. I don't feel worthy and I bask in the warmth of the feeling of these generous acts, I value Fricka's opionions when it comes to things because I found her to be such a visual treat within all her work and the way she tastefully presents it all! Its edgy, unique, spirited and stands out.. but its not just that.. its utterly beautiful.. not always for the "everyday" or entirly realistic look, but yet.. awesome.
For me this is a big step.. because I am scared out of my mind of success because it requires commitment and time.. the commitment I have, but the time is scarce! It inspires one to be even more creative though.. but I don't know if I am being "creative" after all.. I'm only making eyes so far.. and I did do one former Soviet Union pin.. and maybe a tea box.. I planned to do skin, but I don't have the guts to sell anything.. because they are too ordinary or too imperfect.. and these attention to details is serious for me..often paralyzing..
thats why I avoid things like spell check and such because if I always fell into that, I would never get this huge lump of wordage out of my superficially lunky head. The deeper thoughts hardly get the chance to come out at times.
I do say, it was, and probably will be the testiment to my inablity to deal with school on a gramatic level..on a level of "do what we say, and you will succeed, level.." and yet for the lack of information, education on the ground level, I managed to succeed and go to university, passing tests I had to take for proficency although I didn't have what they called, "the preperation of "education"".
If I go more into real life stuff, I will have to use the other blogg...its getting to be late, and I have messages to attend to and images to create and EYeZ! to make...
Feeling Okay
4 hours ago
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