How is that for a protest? No but seriously, I guess I can see the idea of what people know about me and my attempts to try to use different systems to deal with lacking of things..
I mean its often as if money is some magical thing, it makes all problems go away, doors open and leaves the rent paid and the heat and telephone on for yet another month. I've not got problems with that aspect, but why does this end up being the end goal when I'm supposed to be happy? Tell me how this differs from a Soviet styled Golag when we are working ourselves silly trying to be happy and can't even buy back the time that is supposed to be our collective "God Given Rights" as supposedly free people.
When is my time my own if I am a part of a system that encourages me to undersell my own potential to be gainfully employed? I do not want to go around sueing people to get what I need either.. sometime I wonder, some people have often said that they owe me.. well if they owed me so much then damnit, pay me the fuck back! But then or should I just pass it on to the other person who says I owe them.. or perhaps person A should in turn meet once again with person B. They can talk about me behind my back and leave me out of it.. and have a wonderful time.
Ah this Mercury retrograde, killing me, with the Equanox coming in a few days and tomorrow being the new moon at about 10 pm or so, I have to hurry up and make my plans for starting my longer fast, it seems I didn't get rid of the stuff I needed to get rid of.. so I have to restart. If it takes less time then it will be less time, but I know now, that I needed more than 10 days, and I may have needed 20 days to clear up my skin, because it was totally clear after the 6th day, however now its back, its like I can't win..
Its not allergies either.. its down to this bacteria that I don't even know about, that maybe everyone has, but it just causes problems for me and maybe other people.. so all the antibiotic treatments, did nothing but sedate it for a few weeks.. then the same thing again, but it is true that I could have been on 40 days antibiotics and still get the same effect of 10 days of fast without the problems of the antibiotics such as the intestinal distress and the nausia not to mention other side effect such as the impartial forming of blood cells producing anemia.. nice one to leave alone.. and then extreme sun senstivity.. yeah. This year, antibiotics free, prize, I didn't have problems with the sun, and even though I sunburned it only recently pealed off.. not bad, I was commended by the mother in law for the "healthy look" :P Two edged sword pharmaciticals, another problem is and how it relates to Second life is that so many people are "virtually ill"
I don't wish to point out everyone as some kind of victim in a larger scheme of things but when mentioned about not trusting in big Pharma, the ideas underlying that are not "the Americans pay through the nose so you don't" when if a drug is approved here, it goes through a completely different system of judgement but it still notices what they do in America. Another thing is, in America doctors can deal directly and get sold directly for ever prescription they write and pharmacological companies not only pay for adverts in magazines read by doctors, but also meet up with them to show them their new drugs. There are sales representitives from these companies that my country will not see because this is not the way they approve a drug for usage where as, it seems that the American market pretty much makes a drug sells it to the doctors and possibly markets to the patients.. with "Ask your doctor is bla bla bla is right for you?"..
I not see my need for any pharmasutical become based upon the demand of other people for a fictional illness that someone else may claim I have.
Now days I see that they have come back to the idea that some things are not psychosymatic illness such as ME. There are actually treatments for it, and it is drugs and missusage of antibiotics which seems to be the common thread and yet when I looked up ME, in English on a US based site, I read something about depression and antidepressents.
Its like this foolishness of treating stomach ulcers with pain killers and librium and some antacids and avoid spicy foods.. Now you know it is caused by a nasty little bacteria, one thing that can kill it is enzimes in unpasterised honey.. of all things. which is kind of weird and cool, but mostly its treated with a series of antibiotics which is much better than having someone saying, its all in your head, you are not sick you just need antidepressants.
Sad thing was, when they start treating a girl with TB using antidepressants, that is depressing, makes me want to swallow a whole bottle of anything that makes me ignore the stupidity of some doctors. Its like if you see all illness as infection or as depression, thats what you will experience. I'm going to have to make a few leaps of faith in the coming weeks as I have just recently done. I know that there are probably lots of people who have the ablity to cure themselves but medicines are just holding them back, sort of like crutchs on a perfectly able to walk person, if you are left in crutches when you can walk, it impairs your ablity to walk, and deforms you.
I am sick of life giving people the only thing money can't buy, as JCC said, "poverty" poverty of lack of health and poverty of believing you are poor because you don't have money, thus some people need to get over their addiction.. perhaps myself, having come to the point where now I am buying stuff again.. yes I do buy stuff. But I spent a whole 8 months as a non-consumer nothing new, not nessisary either.. nothing unless it was nessisary unless it was food or something for my son, where as this is how things work, nothing for me save for the proper parisables.
I have to go to the health food shop, perhaps have a look for my son's "shitake mushroom pate" he loves that on his breakfast toast.. maybe some milk thistle extract and some kind of tea ect.. toothpaste without strong taste, not just for me but for my son. ect.. bla bla bla.. I say I'm going out, but my plans get rewritten on a daily basis. Today I wasn't even told by the school what time my son was going to be home. I had to wait and then he wanted to watch youtube videos with washing machines..
I really enjoyed this one:
We were both laughing our arses off..It was a good thing.
Must sleep got to go shopping with my son and mother in law at 10am.. tomorrow.. but at least they gave me the night off. :D
Because I’m Happy
1 hour ago
I don't know how they do things in Swedenavida, but that my lady is not a washer video. This is a washer video.
Well, since you ask; choice. Those people have none and we do. Lots of people choose to go the alternate way with hippie communes and barter towns in the US where money is never seen (until they go to pay their tier or get Lindens).
Again choice. In some countries you get what the doctor says you get. I dislike that greatly. If I am informed (I am sort of kind of in...nah) I should be able to talk to my doctor about new treatments without him saying the big state will allow only what is in their book. This is the reason that if a woman gets breast cancer in the UK she has a higher chance of dying than the US.
I don't care how great the system is, I dislike that.
Let's see. Oh no, no skin advice here missy.
I think everyone agrees capitalism is massively unfair to those who are born in certain places or to a family who couldn't afford the best school or hand over a family business, but before we tear it down we need to ponder what goes in it's place.
People need to think they can make it for the system to work. Like Bill Clinton from trailer park to White House.
The old USSR is full of stories like the sunglasses factory that was only able to meet quota by producing glasses you could not see with they were so dark. There was no incentive to do it right.
If one is not educated or has observed the world or has had a chance to see the entire picture of the world, how can you say that they have a "choice"?
I know kids in some places in the US don't even know or care that there are other countries out there, and once they found out, it was like, "bomb them" all the other countries are the evil that there is in the world because for those people I knew, it was like, they didn't live in the hood, ect.
I won't be hating on rich or poor because the ecconomic system of all people can chance if they change their minds about what that entails, its not easy, but to escape a fixed idea of poverty is one that is fought within the mind as much as the false idea that there is something more free about being one of the rich. (they don't often think so, so I am told)
And where am I? I was extremely poor in the US, so there was no treatment for me if I fell sick which on a few occasions I did, seriously.. the idea of having the cash up front or no care is seriously flawed.
My neighbour's sister had insurance and got cancer, so bad she couldn't work any longer so the insurance ran out, while she made appeals the cancer got worse, (I don't know which kind of treatment she was getting either) but she finally got her treatments but at the time her cancer was prounced no longer treatable and she died...
But maybe things have changed in the states.. I mean with Nile Virus, there has to be a way to treat people who fall without making them sign papers while they are in a coma, you know? I have no idea!
It would be nice if the harder one works the more secure one would be at their job, but the changes that I saw in the states have now come to the rest of the world.
A lady who used to be the mayor of a town in Russia, said when there was no money in the system, her landlord pretty much said, you pay the rent when you get it, because everyone is in the same boat, I didn't see any of that happening when concerning that huricane in New Orleans.. from what I hear, people had the choice to be pricks or not, and they choose the prick method..
In the UK Tony Willson was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer which the NHS didn't have the authority to give them the drugs for treatement on their bill, I find that a shame because here Orphan drugs are used, our version of socialised medicine also says, you have a choice, and if you can get treatment in another country, they foot the bill.
Tony Willson was a friend to several people I call friend, and they even paid out of their pockets to get him treatements, but allas he still died. Cancer is a very agressive thing, indeed, sometimes I wonder if we really know the full story about it.
My own grandmother died in her own filth in a VA hospital via cancer, but she was not treatable, and she demaned treatments anyway which actually took time off of her life, and she died with a "no life saving" order, they litterally starved her to death.. I don't think that was her choice or anyone in my family's choice, but they made the choice for her. And no one could do anything about it.
You have pointed out the critical flaw in choice; people are permitted to make bad ones.
Given choice most people will go to school, take care of themselves, not harm others, or have 20 kids they cannot support. A smaller group of people when presented with a choice (any choice) will make the wrong one.
How society responds to that is never easy. If the state gives them all the benefits of those who did make the right choices you are encouraging more to do the same. Do nothing and it's not humane.
There are kids everywhere who dislike others. Perhaps all of them. Hell, the kids you describe hate us too. People moving from place is hard on the system since no one ever goes form the good counties to lesser ones. Those who come don't seem to appreciate it like the Dutch found when it became clear they had no intention of joining Dutch society. The people turned and the laws in the Netherlands lead the new "stay out" EU of the future.
We even have a problem here in one state with a Somali population that has an aggressive view of their religion. Cab drivers refusing blind people with dogs or not checking you out if you buy bacon or alcohol. Stupid.
I think everyone agrees health care should be made available to all. Where we do not is the Democrats want to change it for those 85% of use who have when when we should just being the others into the system.
Hard work doesn't give rewards. It's true. I had a much worse time in fast food when I was a teen yet make 30x times that now.
You have pointed out the critical flaw in choice; people are permitted to make bad ones. Is making their choices for them better for them?
Given choice most people will go to school, take care of their health, not harm others, or have 20 kids they cannot support. A smaller group of people when presented with a choice (any choice) will make the wrong one.
How society responds to that is never easy. If the state gives them all the benefits of those who did make the right choices you are encouraging more to do the same. Do nothing and it's not humane.
There are kids everywhere who dislike others. Perhaps all of them. Hell, the kids you describe hate us too. People moving from place is hard on the system since no one ever goes form the good counties to lesser ones. Those who come don't seem to appreciate it like the Dutch found when it became clear they had no intention of joining Dutch society. The people turned and the laws in the Netherlands lead the new "stay out" EU of the future.
We even have a problem here in one state with a Somali population that has an aggressive view of their religion. Cab drivers refusing blind people with dogs or not checking you out if you buy bacon or alcohol. Stupid.
I think everyone agrees health care should be made available to all. Where we do not is the Democrats want to change it for those 85% of use who have when we should just being the others into the system.
Hard work doesn't give rewards. It's true. I had a much worse time in fast food when I was a teen yet make 30x times that now.
Any system will have those extreme horror stories. We just hope they are the most rare.
"You have pointed out the critical flaw in choice; people are permitted to make bad ones. Is making their choices for them better for them?"
No I will not be making choices for people, it is not my job nor is it the job of the government nor is it the job of the UN.
And yes no one really grows up to say, "I want to live in a hopeless situation where I go to a meaningless job, where I am taken advantage of by a boss who always seems to have me on notice every day.. ect.. You don't see that someone like me, knows what it looks like from the EXTREME loosers side.. and these are not about people who have choices, but rather people who are harrassed into many choices, and in some of their minds, if you had been kicked by the "man" every day of your life.. maybe you would rebel just a little bit?
Well this is the deal, I realized from the get go this is how it all turns out so very badly, so if you are poor, you have to be, virtueous, you have to be able to be totally invisible from any wrong doing, the only way you do that is not to, as well as not to get trapped or tricked into anything.. you have to be able to starve and possibly be beaten down but still get up and get in someone's face about it.. and I know for a fact not every can do that. Most are going to get angry, most are going to be sick of being hungry and steal, most are going to justify it by saying that the rich white guy who is manager of the shop has it better than they do..
I have worked for the US census burough, it may seems strange but there is a completely different class level, people who are paying more for the things because they don't have a securty deposit, and these so called "communities" are built into a situation where a person pretty much pays almost more money than they earn, and then maybe these people are supporting relatives who can not read or write..and you know, when it comes down to it, if they were selling drugs or doing something else on the side, it would be because they just don't want to be on that rat wheel for the rest of their lives. And I don't think that is fair.
My auntie could in 1977 take out loans for school, (even though she really worked her arse off before university and I can't say she had it easy) she could when she was in university, and get scholarships and grants and have them pay for housing under the time she was in school but also take out a loan if she needed to, ect. But how do you keep going to school when that kind of thing doesn't happen as much anymore..
I know I still had a loan and workstudy as well as my grant, scholarship and a school that was about 17.000 dollars a term. It wasn't easy.. and I did graduate but I didn't give myself enough time to fix things..otherwise I'd have at least my MFA by now, or actually then.
Sometimes I wonder what the value of doing your own thing is, that maybe if I could have only been able to conform my potential into one of those practical things as opposed to those "oh but you are a genius" things that never panned out..
But I at least have risen far above the poverty that I had eventually grown up in, (when I was little having a well paid working single mom helped and she came from a "good family" right?) The steps that made her sink into poverty were supporting my brother's father, buying that bastard a car and then him running off with another woman.. she already had problems with the whole situation where she was made powerless by the whole inequality thing..they worked together and she became pregnant, bla bla bla.. she thought they were in love, typical story, she's not working but she owns the house.. and he is basicly ruining her life and her self esteme until she ends up in the bottle after he leaves.. oh and he was demanding the baby too on the way out..
Now my mother's mother had this guy all aranged before, much older than my mother was, but he was a buisness partner, and he knew all the wheels to grease to make things work, to make things happen. It could have been a boon for her if she wanted to be the bored wife of a rich man.. one with political asperations.. which he did have and held some fine elected office of some kind.
The last time I spoke to him was after my grandmother died, and one of the weirdest things he said to me was in a conversation on the telephone.. in spite of my "smartness" he said no one could trust a person like me, he said "Never trust a person who won't drink"... (well, what about those who are in AA??) no it seems drinking was this man's way of sizing up a person, you still the same person after you've been drinking, he knows he can trust you I guess.. who knew I could probably drink anyone under the table given half a chance then. (but I stayed away from that stuff because my own mother practically lived many years of her life inside of a bottle and before then, it was anfedamine to be productive and to work those double shifts)
Now I know why I stayed away from stuff like that though.. everyone was so messed up, why did I have to be like everyone else. Had I not been virtuous, I guess I could have taken advantage of allot of people, but I never did. Not even one penny.. you know?
But people who say they don't have choices only have no choices because they can not or they can not have their own loved ones suffer.
There were days I thought I would just fall down dead on the street and no one would care.. so I can't imagine anyone putting up with that feeling as long as I did.. people who had it better have often done much worse, and still justify it, but I am not God, I do not judge people, I only know that I do not wish what was put upon me to get here and now to be put upon anyone no matter what they have done.
Maybe I have always been inversely rewarded by people who could see me for who I was and what I felt strongly about. Maybe I am just feeling a little more senstive now since I am fasting and it does remind me of the intense hunger I had when I was so young and didn't have any place to live.
Given choices, to say to your self, do I want love, or do I want punishment, certainly people won't ask for punishment, and yet these same people are full of love and patriotic spirit but often get only heartbreak instead, perhaps you, or your own mother like my own mother and on occasion myself.
We first must allow people to see there are buses that lead out of the neighbourhoods where the shops are closing and you can't find work.. But some people won't hire you THERE because you aren't a rich teen with a ride (meaning your own car and not a bicycle ;)) Even my little moped ;)
Just one aspect.. of the discrimination process at hand. But this is only one example. My life does not provide a proper example, but it does make the statement that even where things are crap, you don't throw the young people away.. in fact I was a "high school drop out".. only to the 9th grade.
I know it shows sometimes but it didn't seem to stand in my way as much as I thought it would.
But then again the presigious university, what did I do with that? I got my degree but I had to get that MFA to do anything serious and respected in my area.
Plus I spend lots of time with music and my band.. it was like living a double, perhaps tripple life.. and now I am hardly able to live one..
*pity sob here* :P
But like any other of those urchen kids they call war babies.. we seem to have an instict and know sometimes who to trust and sometimes we do risk ourselves and trust a bit more than we should.
Its all good, and is part of the experience of the human condition.
Should I write a book now? ;)
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