This is an advert to earn money like camping only its called... EARN2LIFE.
I'm not one for adverts or even trying to earn money by increasing traffic in areas, but its like camping for that same reason.. If buisnesses within Second life want some additional traffic inside of their area and people to vote and people to look at their goods sometimes they have to go out and get people to walk through the space.
With this in mind there are allot of buisnesses on the Directory they have.. thats what the add is for, a referal to a way to get more traffic as well as a very heavily promoted directory.. I'm not a huge fan of stuff like this but its all part of any idea, to get people moving towards the buisness and actually take a look.. perhaps buisness owners should even ask some of the people walking through their site what they can do to improve it.. you know?
Ah never mind me.. I'm not all that empathetic but if one day I become a buisness owner, it would be nice to be able to be a part of a directory that tries to spread around your link to as many people as it can.. for example the Adult adoption agency.. that was really cute.. but then I don't often see the darker sides to things, do I? Anyway, off to the sandbox or maybe not.
Because I’m Happy
1 hour ago
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