I have been spending allot of time here because the story, although I didn't know it at first, is really MY story. A city which was torn down. A real city which was in existence, had its own rules and its "government" agreed to getting rid of it, before the changing of hands of Hong Kong to the mainland China.... it was settled in 1987 and its residents forcibly evicted from 1991- 1992.
It mirrors a version of China which is old and chaotic and yet has its own sense of order and rules.. obviously the task of awakening the ghost was done via Japanese people who have become very interested in the story.. interested enough to create a sim.. that is impressive.
Right now in many parts of the world we don't even think about the knocking down of shanty towns and long living cities.. with the people every day.. because of governmental interference with peoples essencial rights to Live someplace... to create a space to live, wether that space be a box or a house. Now with that being said, at this time since China is doing all it can to bring itself up on first impressions as a first world country.. (and repeating many of the mistakes of Mao) forcibly removing people from the land they lived on for many generations and putting cities underwater for the massive hydroelectric project, to bring China into an uncertain future with a the one child policy and scrawny compensation for being forcibly removed to the crappily built "artificial" cities.. ect.
It is happening every day.. and no one has questioned it because China's hosting the Olympics games has become the focus of the world (and China) and an even more perfect view of order is being given... China is the example of what the governments want... and you can't say it is communist policy, because its not a "communist" government which wants to control people as mear toys to be moved about when they choose, its EVERY government with that as a hidden agenda.. to make people more submissive.. in what ever way they need to, and if that means removing a culture or getting rid of them, then that is what will happen.
Edit: talking to someone from the sim later on that day I discover that it is the opinion of people in general that it was the British who were at fault destroying Kowloon... where as I believe that it was both British and Mainland China which could not "deal with" the idea of people who had raw and unchallanged will power.
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