A few weeks after sheading the newbie skin, the skin I was so attached to because it was the only one that made sense at the time, I am given to believe in this progress there was much that I needed to learn.. some people learn faster than others, where as I, as in real life put up with what I was given..
Upon hitting one of my first freebe lovely skin with freckles called "Another Skin"..I found something which felt positive, realistic and yet also beautiful. Maybe it was the variety in make up, maybe it was the way that the lumincent tones between the shadows and pinkish blush looked.. not to mention how realistic the freckles also looked... I discovered an artist to contribute to the art of the avatar, her name is Eloh..and she's a brilliant creator!!!
Beside the first hair I bought, when I got to the Gnubie shop at Indigo, I bought first, a pair of eyes. I love them too, so much I tried to look for the shop they came from, but it was no longer around.
So I was stuck still looking for the perfect eyes.. well last weekend I found a pair, and in my possesion I also had a nice short hair cut I found two weeks previous that I didn't even try on before I was fiddling around with my "Male Crow Skin" you see, I found a shop that allowed me to get the skin as an award for sitting 100 minutes in a chair... so under that time I purchased, remotely with the mouse look, a beautiful pair of eyes.
The end result was a difinitively clearer look, and although my own husband said, "it doesn't look like you" my son said it did.. but then again he corrects me too when I say "the lady", he corrects me with "thats you.."
Even though my avatar isn't awesomely beautiful, the goal was to compose it as an element of myself.. and project an element of my "self"..
Now tell me if this is FACT or Fiction because I just realized some people have a problem telling the difference and I'm the one acting all Autistic and stuff..
The last time I talked to Humuculo he gave me a teleport to his location, the location was a photosphere.. they are supposed to be a great resource when using GREEN SCREEN (something I have the capacity and software for).. I walked around and took a look at the pose ball on one which was a flying carpet, the one in front of me and sat down.. Immediately Humuculo rested his head on my lap by using the other pose ball.. I was a little shocked.. but then it changed poses and it was a face to face one.. and I was thinking and saying "NoooOOOOOooo" as in that wasn't what I came here for.. NOW this is the Fictional part..
After looking into the hollowed out eye sockets of my little friend I immediately in my own defence, mind you, jabbed my little fingers deep into those caverns.. hoping to inflict what I could give for pain on a little dwarfly skull man.. and he backed off.. as I pushed him off the pose ball and onto the ground bellow.
Dusting himself off, he took this oportunity to put on a jaunty little barett.. and said in a funny accent.. "now I am a photographer.. now you will refer to me as master of the photosphere...." and I backed up a second and laughed to myself.. "ah, sure..." and wondered what this funny little man was going to do, or try to do next.
I did mention I liked DoctorMetropolis jacket... and would like to know where he got it if at all possible.. he tapped his cane.. (did I mention he had a cane.. a grand walking stick of strange size and shape with a bling diamond on top??) as he walked with a lame foot.. twisted about the wrong way from perhaps the push I gave him..
And then preceded to guide me to the other photosphere.. with on pose ball.. and said.. to me to push the arrows to change poses.. but it did seem AWEFULLY suspcious... but I thought, I can knock him down to the ground if he pulls anything again.. since I did secure a machine gun, which I hear I may need in the future, being a woman and all.
But the poses were not so bad, but I had to wonder, why this day, why now, what is going on.. and I thought it was NOTHING.. but little did I know he was trying out X ray eyes!!!!! That bastard!!!! What Nerve!!!
So all the while he was taking photos, he was having a little peep show!
When Space and Django came to my rescue.. he took off the barret and brought DoctorMetropolis over to have an agruement, all in front of me.. but after that, he gave me something to kill me and deleted all records of ever knowing me..but I survived the poison long enough to take this notation down.. that maybe it may be too late for me.. but not for SarryCrey.. look out babe.. look out!!!!
ah but I suvived...
It takes me too long to concentrait on the techincal matters, and my learning style, although I learn fast, I need quiet for me to concentrait, after all I am an elite craftsperson..and can use NON virtual tools such as kilns, acetylene-air soldering with silver and other precious metals, and most fun, molten glass..where even an expert can lose up to 50% of the work due to a number of things which naturally go wrong. But now in the isolation of an environment were even painting is a chore, what am I to do with my mind?
Answer - learn new things and explore new possiblities, otherwise I would be like a bird thrashing its wings against the bars of a cage of circumstances.. you either stop thrashing or die or possibly find another way to express flight..
So here we all are expressing aspects of our personalities, and some of us even need not only more than one main avatar (which is quite normal, as is "dress up") but even more than one account to express whats inside.
The one with the snakeskin background is by him... the one with my newbie look is in the wastlands with Django..and I'm wearing a pair of bat wings.
(note that I did edit this, but still not enough)
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