So yeah.. Second Life.. right.. I've been here now about one month.. who knew it would be an interesting way of communicating with people?
So there is youtube, right? I suppose people are familar with youtube.. but not so many people see it as a community.. just the people who are in it who recognise it for the community it is.. other people who are within various forms of internet communties basicly have little information about the "community" under the surface of all that youtube video...uploads of old tv programs, ect.. even new silly stuff. But there is a fresh and vital world out there in youtube of people who are bigger stars than I could have ever imagined... new tallent.. old tallent just sitting there in need of discovery.
People didn't understand the need for fan based communities to "meet up".. and explaining to them didn't make it any easier.. but then there was youtube.. the community.. 7/7 that sort of stuff.. and the same people who were a part of special fan based communties told me "I don't understand.. I mean, youtube, what do you lot do, sit around and say... I like that old TV show you uploaded.. and smile and give thumbs up to everyone?"
They didn't get it.
And now the community which is youtube is under some kind of fictional pressure.. some of the freshness of the situation fades when everyone just wants to be competitive and get that little bit of money.. and beg and plead to be seen..but this is not only because of the partner program and such, its because even though it was the "little people" who built up the community loading up their own ideas of entertainment, it is the industry in the buying and selling buisness who want "productivity" thus ads and such are going to be a part of the youtube future even though it survived before without it.. being in direct competition with tv.
Then there is these other communities.. when people start talking they tend to start thinking about what would happen if their ideas could be brought about.. it happens amoung the creative lots I hang with.. the techincally brilliant, the musical, the visual..
We are as a rule living in quite exciting times, and communities and activities are tools for people to get their ideas moving. Sometimes there may be a bit more brooding and nesting on the subject of thoughts and planning out ideas but the major thought that comes to mind is that we need to use our tools with more irreverance and yet at the same time more respect..
The tool I'm speaking of at this moment is Second Life. It is a very misunderstood medium, where as some people see it a stomping ground for perverts, cybersex seekers, pediofiles, furries, Barbies and Kens.. and generally preditory behaviours, I see it as a place of intersting possiblities once we can remove all of the pitfalls of any communities which may attract the LCD crowd.
Some of the same things as reality still happen.. walking into a bar in an unknown region and saying the "wrong thing" to the wrong person will get you impolitely banned.. no questions.. no money back..
The intolerance to "differences" in behaviours and jokes leads me to think that there is something a bit odd.. especially in a situation where everything and anything goes at times, and then suddenly the wrong word leading to be banned.. it is more likely a case of selectiveness as to not liking the "look" of your avatar.. which is really really weird since after all, didn't you create it? So facist behavours can dictate in some places... and people can make all kinds of assumptions based upon what you project.. with your imagination.
Your avatar, is it you? Is it a tulpa? Is it a fragment of your soul's expression?
Well some people buy them.. ready can you know.. and some people create their look and spend lots of time doing so. So what does it say about you then if you are an avatar out showing off your virtual breasts for a wet t-shirt contest? Is it possible this is going too far, or is it too easy for someone to aquire a pleasing appearance and show it off?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.
I was in the Gnubie Shop at Indigo.. looking at some freebies when someone said out loud (in text chat) in disbelief "this is unbelievable.. I can't believe how far this goes...I have no more patience for this fake life.." I couldn't help but interject because fakeness is a matter of perception.. but it felt as real as if I were in a shop looking at a weird dress and getting some hell for it..
Obviously he read my profile after I mentioned that I had empathy for his situation (considering I get this kind of talk from people close to me about the topic of SL) but mentioned that sometimes it provides a strong medium for a model of reality..and he mentioned that he thought dreams were more constructive a way of spending time, to this I replied.. "but its not enough just to dream, but perhaps build and share your dream and let people walk around in your dream..and here you can do a relatively short while.."
I see the potential of SL.. I like it, but the bugginess of it makes me stay away from investing any outterworld money in it..although I toy with the idea.. but at the same time I think, if I can earn some in world Lindens.. I think I'd do that.. the problem is.. you can earn money and presents in very naughty ways it seems..virtual prostitution.. escorts and dates..and lesser stuff like stripping..which I think is kind of weird once again... and can't get my head around it.
But in world there is also shop keeping, gardening and sitting on benches.. someone even was parking space ships! My goodness.. if only I wasn't getting booted so much!
Ok so.. now you know some of my thoughts on the topic.. video to follow soon.
Feeling Okay
3 hours ago
When Renneto creates his video community site, I will be leaving Youtube for good. I will still leave my channel up, but I will not post new ones there. The thing Renneto recognizes along with many is that the YOU in youtube is being replaced with the Cash. I know many of the so called elite youtubers will stay and the happy hater crowd, but not me. I have always been a part of a community based ideal and the youtube 'experience' has grown ever more competitiveand less and less like a fun bunch of vieo makers. I wait for the new site to get the green light and then I'm gone.
Is there any space for someone like me in Renneto's community? I keep feeling the shift and wonder if it was because we all keep getting closer to a basic truth.. it is the people a community, any community is built upon.
Thanks for you comments I really really feel surprised by a good way :)
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