Lets set Doctor Metropolis on fire? or is it Burn the Witch? Django and Doc have been naughty.. trying to play jokes on me.. when they know I don't wanna see no naked people!!! Not unless I have to draw them or make clothes for them..:P
Ah but you were funny anyway.. just please I have a comfort zone.. I'm trying to stay long inside of it!
I dreamt last night I was looking around my home.. in place like my home but then again like SL... but real, and there was a lake and a very beautiful landscape and there were animals in cages.. and they had been transformed into savage beasts... and I was being interviewed for something.. something illness related and job related all at once, and then I went to see these animals while I wasn't busy.. and saw they were all kind of weird and wild.. and so.. I let them out.. and let them run wild and thought, it was best for everyone.
And then I was inside my house.. and then walked outside.. in front.. but unlike my house, this had a clear placid looking lake as a neighbour.. and the air was foggy and dim.. but not dawn.. just not completely night, and when I looked up there was a UFO.. and it was directly above me hiding in the cloud and I said.. "Hey.. you lot are not supposed to be here.. !!" And they left.. fast as the light.. until they flew away and looked like a distant star..
And I thought to myself.. boy that was close.. I hate it when THAT happens..(I related to someone that I think the reason I did that was because I didn't want to show any fear.. because once you show fear.. THEY get you..)
It was a dream point to make about watching videos on the topic that Doctor Metropolis put up.. and that was.. maybe the strength someone has at times is to stand up and face those who are threatening you.. I suppose.
The last thing I remember was the smell of cooking leather boots...then I passed out and woke to find myself in Humunculos body trying to Pimp out my friend Django...wierd dreams eh?
you know vad Doctor Metropolis?.. I have dreams like that too.. :P we have a story to tell YOU about
"Oily Fish n' Silk" as named by Django.. about an man with a very very fishy lady (if we could call her that) dissing his friends on their Aniversery.. named.. NASH..
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