Where do I begin? I think I want to talk about the enjoyment of the perpective of people even if they are often just on the edge of being offensive to some..
I take in point the time Doctor Metropolis brought up the film with Tom Cruise in it "Legend" damnit going to have to link this one up..
I mentioned my "twin" Thomas who was crazy about that dress..how he went on and on about the black dress in hell.. ect.. and Doctor Metropolis said of course.. they did the lighting to make it beautiful, it was a flimsy thing that would probably fall apart if anyone wore it and he added it probably didn't look so great in the daylight.. and it isn't like I myself DON'T think those things... but he actually said it.
He'd be like the perfect person to read bedtime stories to kids to reveil the darker side of the symbols in them..since I do that kind of thing all the time to myself.. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed that unveiling of the reality, it was a gentle reminder of what I say to other people all the time.. maybe not in so well phrased sentences.
We got there on the topic of unicorns.. because Legend was about the devil (played by Tim Curry, no less) wanting to kill the last of the unicorns.. and because I was lured into Second Life by way of unicorn. Its not like I didn't get what I wanted either.. all was truth in advertising, absolutely.
Life was to change.. but for many people life changes in a different way.. Nash for example, he shuns his friends, (and bans them from his house for just simply rezzing stuff) People shoot at us, and he's pretending he don't know us.. and then finally he made his friends who he's known for years IRL wait 20 minutes while a bimbo gets dressed.. (well if that was "dressed" I hate to see what undressed was!!!!)
She was all shiny and oily.. and half naked..no mostly naked.. someone said.. that is an interesting bathing suit you have there.. and she said it was her silks. This skin she was wearing was shiny to look like she was oily. Nash only knew her for about a day...but he knew his other friends there many years longer.
I guess after all that.. and the fact it was causing a bit of tension.. I finally, before we left changed my avatar into "Nash bait".. red hair, light green eyed, long legged hot chick in skimpy outfit and high heels. It did make a point but what point I didn't know.. because it was just probably the shock value I was into... because he was all "Alter what did you do to yourself??!!"
I was trying to make a point that my cartoon was easily changable.. just as anyhone else's.. Ask Humuculo, if a man can be a little skull running about in SL what else can't one do? ..and it was Nash who seems very suspicious and saying "Dude" to Sylvie..when I wouldn't be surprised if Oily Fish n' Silk chick turned out to be a boy..I mean unless he KNOWS, how can he know?
I really apreciate that other people have commented about my writing style.. I've been writing lately mostly for myself, but earlier I was a pretty random blogger before I ditched all that writing because it all got too personal and too complex, and in my personal life, there was no room for that, so when people actually say its OK about me writing about what happened from my perspective, I started doing this.
If you are reading this.. maybe in the next few days or in the next year... or years, (WHO knows?) you are one of the elite, my previous Live Journal blogg, (deleted October 2006) was read by, at least on a random basis by Momus and Pete Shelley.. who were very kind to encourage me, it was also read by my friends who deleted their accounts at Myspace (the summer of Myspacecide) and some who didn't delete.. some I have met many I have not met.. and all many who have touched my heart in only a few lines.
The creation of Astrosphinx.se was when I was experiementing with an idea of a travel blogg.. but never really took off with that.. but is now mostly converted to "life", "dreams" and synchronicity events.. but also its gotten to be more of an alterative to trying to understand the Argonautic from within, so many spectrums!.. there are so many things happening.. so much synchronicity.. just within our mear names and the places we go.. and what we read in almost any texts.
It can come down to a thought, a single thought, focused and pure.. or a word in the ear of the correct person will direct me to understanding the nature of how one person can start a chain reaction and change the world.
On the topic of the written word, electronic texts as opposed to texts on a page.. it would have been much harder to destroy it all in a fit of all or nothing type rage (you know, when someone says, you write well BUT remove this) and you say to yourself.. if I comprimise then I will continue to comprimise.. so if you love my writing so much...I said.. you will not say that OR you will suffer when I delete..
I have deleted my diaries before, but this was not digital, it was fire because I didn't want anyone to read what I suffered and that when I got my scholarship, I wanted to move on, far beyond the pains of growing up.
I am sorry I was that way.. as I never saved a scrap of those 2 years of Blogg . I wonder if I WAS any good? so poor little Sphinx... she had to move on..
and now she's AlterEgoTrip, and AstroSphinx all at once.
I think its kind of cool when on the other blogg people call me "Astro" sounds kind of Spacy :D.
Anyway speaking of Space.. and Django... Happy Aniversery!! 11 years! Congrads *clap clap*
Feeling Okay
3 hours ago
The best thing about your writing is that it offers me ( a participant in your events ) a different angle on how things unfold. The layers of contact roll out in a wierd way from youtube to SL to blog and back again...very odd sensation to see my Humunculo and my name in a blog...keep going , it rocks!
I too think its kind of "neat" (in a bogga bogga way) When I found your channel I was just getting to know and understand youtube a bit.. in a way you and Momo are my mentors perhaps like Sean Bedlam helped you to understand the potential of youtube's way of getting a message out there.
Like I said on the last video comment though, leaving youtube is like leaving the street level.. sometimes there is a wide gap between cool and interesting people and sometimes there are so many you can't keep up with them all... and leaving "all this" behind isn't exactly in the best interest of the idea of ART and independent music.. as well as a world of different perspectives. Somewhere along the line we will come back to the ideas that fueled a "revolution".. as it has happened so many times in previous ages why is it so covered up in the here and now? The idea of relolting is nothing new.. but it had always people who were on place to manipulate action out of people.. in the here and now, I see you as being one of those possible people...
Be well my dangerous iceberg friend... so much lurks beneath your surface.. just like those around you..:)
You know Rex, it has been a crazy few weeks.. and I find myself wanting to create a ground of my own.. just now the want to do it is really strong as in, possibly signing on as a paying member, but when I started crashing so much yesterday.. the dream of that was a little put off!
I do see that there are allot of thriving buisnesses out there in SL and when I read the statistics I would like to know who exactly ARE those people who made over a million US in SL.. was it money laundering or was it an ingenious buisness idea?
I hope for anyone's sake that the earners of such huge money (nearlly 500 for the month of Jan.) were not owners of German cyber brothels or gambing casinos, otherwise.. I'm going to become very very disillusioned very fast!
What's it all look like to you?
I think we all need to pitch in and buy you that 'Australian Black Opal Ring ' on your wish list. Then you will feel better and look fashionable too! Oh and by the by, German Brothels are not as cool as they used to be...it is the Chinese ones that rock nowadays!
I missed you today, Doc, but with your huge move.. I understand!!
I was stunned by the ring sentiment I am really touched by just the thought.. maybe that was all I need.. (not the actual ring ;))
As for Chinese Brothels.. give it time.. seeing how China is set on turning its women into objects, inspite of a so called feminist stance that people who are in favour of the "one child" policy hold.. I see more and more cases of objectifcation happening.. take the Olympic games coming up; they have a standard for how women are "supposed to be" as in height, weight and even training their female atheletes how to have correct "posture"... I see it as an infringement upon all human rights for women to be "human" as oppose to some toy for the visual delight of all.. but then again thats me..
I don't see them doing that to their male atheletes and even if they did, I'd find that repulsive too.. as if humanity must be trained into submision of some sort.
Hope you've had a nice day!!!
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