It was St. Valentine's day for me.. or was it for them? I can't recall that small detail and yet there was a vague rememberance of dancing involved... damnit that little skelleton headed dwarf, Humuculo must have slipped something in my drink... I recall arriving there in the day time..and watching Space and Django dancing a slow dance.. and Metropolis and Humuculo were there dancing Salsa.. and suddenly it went dark..
Its weird and such because I damned well came there in the daytime but the sugestion to turn off the sun was see the stars, moon and planets much better.. and we were dancing on of all things lilly pads.. and suddenly I was dancing the Salsa with Humuculo.... things were spinning.. I felt giddy.. I don't know what happened but sugested a slow dance.. WELL I didn't know what was to happen NEXT!!
It must have been that spacey music or something that Munky slipped in my drink.. but then we were slow dancing face to skull.. the details went black with my face lamp.. I woke up the next day... and someone said they had photos to prove it.. but my friend Humuculo blackmailed me... but not directly.
I think it was like the last time we danced.. but we danced the tango.. he seemed taller.. and he said to me the most romantic thing "your feet don't smell.." ah how I did swoon.. even after all those tricks they played on me.. that Humuculo and our good good friend, Doctor Metropolis.
Well well, the blackmailers changed their toons.. and deleted the pictures with a few bribes...but I wanted to see what happened.. so I could at least remember it for a moment.. but since being drugged on that day, its only been a dizzy spinny blurr of dance and ambiance music... and falling down drunk into the water only to disappear to another place.. the space of dreams and of black outs.
What have you done to me Humuculo? Was it the pair of you who conspired against me, poor innocent me?.. ah possibly not.. I was just blamed for choosing the dance.
I must remember NOT to look into the eyes which can never look back.. for they are only out to steal your soul... and your heart.
Feeling Okay
3 hours ago
The very art of dancing is something I think Humunculo has very little experience with, so I am not surprised you fell for his obvious charms. To allow this dead skull thing to even get close to you is a tragedy and in the distance I hear Boniac laughing and waiting for the next dance.
Its starting to sound like a series.. next episode, "Dancing with Boniac"
Now I'm worried.. I don't even KNOW honestly who Boniac really is.. it gets all smoke and mirrors even with all the hints about!!
Will Boniac show up on SL, or will he come over to LV to liven up the place?
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