It was the day we went to the anonymous blank robot factory, the factory that turns you into anonymous blank robots.. (no photos shown).
It was kind of funny..especially when I went through the process and it didn't work, and tried it again and CRASHED.. when I tried to logg back in, I was suddenly a green robot in need of upgrades.
I was thinking about how some of the vitual things here.. because the real rules of the physics don't apply, you could make things very much like Doctor Who to a point.. I mean there is a Tartis you can buy to teleport you randomly to places in SL.. but there are a few other things that may need to push the edge a bit.. like actual time/digital time itself.. there are posiblities.. but its only like testing a theory... rather than actually doing something.
I wish I had the Tango with Humuculo story.. but sadly it did not save.. that would have been a funny read if anything!
The most irritating SL newbie Sylvie Stoop..came to my house. First thing she did was take over my house.. and said we were roomates!!
My first impulse was.. Ok, fine, but that sofa is my sofa..I guess there is a need in me, if there is something which could be a problem.. like most people, I walk away.. but she didn't let me walk away.
So I tried so hard to help.. really hard.. and I thought "geeze, you can't really be seriously in need of help THIS much".. and then during that moment I thought, "man someone is taking the piss" even asked her.. do you know the expression "taking the piss?" ah but she distracted me with lets be friends.. I'm so lonely after acting the super straight stand up person for the "take a pee" comment.. with I take a pee all the time..(LOL)..
I gave her a few cards she kept declining trying very hard to help her.. you know get started, I figured if she got some headway, she could start calming down.. eventually she got pissed off at me.. after all these cards and me trying to give her a dress.. she was like.. I want you to be my friend.. and I'm like.. here is a dress.. isn't that nice enough? She muted me..and said I was mean.
but then came back to show the truth...I wasn't going to be her friend if all she needed was constent baby sitting.. you see.. but I guess I didn't want her to be hanging out in the wind. It turned out Sylvie.. was a trickster.. and it was someone (a friend) taking the piss..
We had to reinforce Sylvie as a stranger to Humuculo.. I can't believe I did that.. because when I'm lying it hurts... and I had to take all the things I knew were true and just forget the ending to lie about it.. so the truth was Sylvie couldn't hear me because I was muted.. so I was feeding Humucolo the questions I would ask her, I think the weakest link was the question about where she was from because that was a dead giveaway.
I guess I would make a good lier about this kind of basic character stuff because if Sylvie was going to act a little man crazy.. for Humuculo I think she should have been Brazilan, Venusalian, Colombian, Japanese, Russian, Philipino, Thai, possibly Romanian, Hungarian, or even from Hong Kong..definately not from Pakistan.. maybe.. a very slim chance of her being from India.. practicing her English skills..
I think it was blown when Sylvie was from Pakistan.. beep..
But so we tried a sexy Sylvie on Nash..
and Nash was looking well so far, I mean his hair was very much his style.. still, I have to wonder if he would ever wear that bling in real life!
Anway so while we were chatting up Nash.. Sexy Sylvie walks up with a sob story about losing her old account and money and buisness in SL.
But anyway.. it turned out funny in the end..I didn't understand the asking Nash that question in the end.. it was a funny quesion about peas and boxes.. I am still clueless.
And so.. when I got to SL today.. guess who was out hanging about.. Sylvie, Humuculo was trying to pimp her out or something to this guy.. I though oh no.. But it turned out they were trying to get this guy to become an employee.. just to mess with him in a weird sort of way..
It was actually kind of funny in the end.. and we all squapped.. so it was a happy ending.
After all squapping makes you happy. And it does..:)
technically, Humunculo was goaded into pimping by Sylvie. I thought the best moment happened when Herb ( the victim ) was about to agree to be pimped at she male island in exchange for some sexy time with Sylvie, Did you notice how quiet Spacecase was during that whole mayhem? I wondered if she was sitting there in RL laughing or shaking her head in dismay.
Its nice you clarified that for me. I am still lost about that.. but I think I was more annoyed with "yor bitches ain't nothing.." from Herb there...you know he friended me.. and I feel super weird about it.. because I've never been a part of putting someone through so much embarassment.. and then want to totally dump him..
its just must be me...I'm thinking of ditching him anyway.. for the sake of my sanity.. which I think is becoming less and less valid ;)
Ah, the conundrum of SL. Are you really supposed to 'feel' for these rude types in hopes of teaching new ideas, or just blast past them on your way to a new Digital Future? I did feel a bit of shock when he posted that ruce comment, but then Humunculo was talking big smack to him about all kinds of crazy stuff, and in the end Herb was more confused than anything. So I say , success! another new convert to squapping!
It was totally insane.. its just that after all that.. then he wanted to be my friend.. but when someone starts playing around with guns.. ahh.. ORBIT time.. but I restrained myself.
I regret being this way.. NO Fun and you don't get to spray the boss down with cold water on the way out.. :P I will always regret NOT doing that.. (tell you the story one day!!)
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